BSDCan2009 - Final Release

BSDCan 2009
The Technical BSD Conference

Sean Bruno
Day Talks - 1 - 2009-05-08
Room MNT 207
Start time 17:00
Duration 02:00
ID 144
Event type Workshop
Track BOF
Language used for presentation English

Firewire BoF Plugfest

Debugging and testing of Firewire products with FreeBSD

Come one come all to a Firewire plugfest. Let's debug and test together and see if we can't knock out some features and bugs.

A hands-on testing and debugging session of the Firewire stack in FreeBSD.

Everyone who wishes to attend should bring their Firewire devices, ext Drives and Cameras, and their Laptops. I will be debugging and capturing data points to enhance and improve features in the Firewire stack.

We should be able to knock out quite a bunch of bugs if folks can bring their various Firewire devices along with their various PCs.

Even if your Firewire device works perfectly, bring it by so it can be documented as supported by the Firewire team!