BSDCan2009 - Final Release

BSDCan 2009
The Technical BSD Conference

Massimiliano Stucchi
Day Tutorials - 1 - 2009-05-06
Room DMS 1130
Start time 13:00
Duration 03:00
ID 141
Event type Lecture
Track Tutorial
Language used for presentation English

VoIP Tutorial

VoIP is now leading a revolution in the way the World communicates, and is the rising concept which will allow seamless integration between Voice and data networks. Proprietary systems such as Skype are out there, but what can you do with a FreeBSD machine and some fantasy ? In this tutorial we will introduce the key concepts around VoIP, and we will guide you through the terminology, setup and troubleshoot of a small VoIP network, looking towards a connection to some VoIP providers, setting up a simple IVR system, along with some ideas on how to integrate this work in an existing phone system.

This tutorial will guide you through the Installation and configuration of the Asterisk Telephony system on BSD. Key telephony concepts are explained during the process to help the audience get into this new world with the right know-how, as well as the hands-on needed to manage the software. Advanced topics are covered such as AGI integration and PRI devices, including driver installation and integration. In the course of the tutorial I'll be presenting the Daemonswitch project, which aims at creating a full featured easy-to-install version of FreeBSD already configured to work with Asterisk, with a configuration panel and preconfigured drivers.