BSDCan2011 - Final (with audio).5

BSDCan 2011
The Technical BSD Conference

George Neville-Neil
Day Tutorials - 2 - 2011-05-12
Room DMS 1140
Start time 09:00
Duration 03:00
ID 217
Event type Workshop
Track Tutorial

Networking from the Bottom Up: Routing

This tutorial will cover the packet forwarding and routing subsystems in FreeBSD, including the Routing Information Base, Forwarding Information Base, and the systems that interact with them. The ipfw, pfil, ARP, ND6 and CARP systems will also be covered. The routing and forwarding code are the glue that keeps the networking stack together, connecting the network protocols, such as IP and IPv6, to their underlying data link layers and making sure that packets are sent to the correct next hop in the network.

A brief outline

*) Overview of Routing

*) Routing Information Base

*) Forwarding Information Base

*) Routing Sockets and RIB/FIB APIs

*) ARP

*) Neighbor Discovery