BSDCan2015 - ZI
BSDCan 2015
The Technical BSD Conference
Robert Watson

Robert is a University Lecturer in Systems, Security, and Architecture at the University of Cambridge Computer Laboratory. He is involved in multiple research groups at the lab, including Security, Networks and Operating Systems, and Computer Architecture. He leads a number of cross-layer research projects spanning computer architecture, compilers, program analysis, program transformation, operating systems, networking, and security. Current projects include CTSRD, a project in collaboration with SRI International looking at clean-slate hardware and software designs for security. This includes the BERI and CHERI processor designs, and SOAAP and TESLA, software analysis and transformation systems based on LLVM. He also has active research projects in network-stack performance, tracing, and switching.
Recent projects include the Capsicum hybrid capability system, system-call interposition concurrency problems, and the TrustedBSD MAC Framework, a widely deployed OS access-control extensibility framework (now found in FreeBSD, Mac OS X, Apple iOS, Junos, and other products). He has strong interests in open-source software, is on the board of directors of the FreeBSD Foundation, and has contributed extensively to the FreeBSD Project. He is a co-author of the Design and Implementation of the FreeBSD Operating System, Second Edition, which he uses in teaching his masters-level course in Advanced Operating Systems.