BSDCan2015 - ZI

BSDCan 2015
The Technical BSD Conference

Baptiste Daroussin
Day Talks #2 - 13 June - 2015-06-13
Room DMS 1160
Start time 15:00
Duration 01:00
ID 563
Event type Lecture
Track Hacking
Language used for presentation English

Packaging FreeBSD base system

A rainbow bikeshed

Use pkg(8) to distribute, install and upgrade the FreeBSD base system.

This talk will describe why packaging the base system, and what is/was need to be done to allow packaging the base system: - Prerequisite changes made in pkg(8) to allow handling the base particularities - Prerequisite changes made or needed in base build system to be able to create sane packages - Granularity of the packaging - Plans to satisfy most of our users: embedded who wants small packages, old timers who wants big fat packages, administrators who wants flexibility, developers who wants to be able to provides custom packages for large testings and all others. - What new possibilities/features will packaging base offer to users.