BSDCan2019 - 1.8
BSDCan 2019
The Technical BSD Conference
Stefan Sperling

Stefan Sperling is an open source and free software developer from Berlin.
I studied computer science at the Free University of Berlin, Germany, and University College Cork, Ireland. I presently work as a freelance developer and consultant in the context of several open source projects.
I have been contributing to the OpenBSD project since 2008. My areas of contribution include device drivers, IPv6, UTF-8 support, and wireless networking. Some of my OpenBSD development work is supported by genua GmbH. I provide in-depth OpenBSD/pf workshops and support several companies and organisations with setup and maintainance of OpenBSD/pf firewalls.
In 2007 I started contributing to the Subversion version control system while working as a student employee at elegosoft GmbH, a software consulting shop based in Berlin. Over the years I added features such as tree-conflict detection in Subversion 1.6, the svn patch subcommand in Subversion 1.7, and Subversion 1.10's tree-conflict resolver. I am the current V.P. of Subversion at the Apache Software Foundation. I provide support and consulting to Subversion users via elegosoft GmbH.
In 2018, with support from sysmocom gmbh, I joined the Osmocom project, which develops a free implementation of the 3GPP GSM core network.
In 2019 I am focussing on OpenBSD development and consulting while remaining involved in my other projects.
In my spare time I enjoy dancing, cycling, fitness sports, and supporting Kalibani e.V., a non-profit theatre group for actors who live with physical and mental disabilities.