BSDCan2017 - 0722d
BSDCan 2017 The Technical BSD Conference
A walk-through of FreeBSD Hyper-V device drivers
How they are structured and how they work together
Event type : Lecture Track : Hacking Language used for presentation : English
Adding wireless sensors to FreeBSD using a cheap USB-TV-stick instead of a soldering iron
Collect data from your home on your BSD-box using wireless sensors and a USB-TV-stick
Backpressure up the I/O stack
Boosting bhyve networking with netmap
netmap as a fast network backend for hypervisors
DTrace Internals: Digging into DTrace
Debugging the debugger
Why your debugger doesn't work when you need it to
From the outside
Measuring and understanding FreeBSD using the gem5 simulator.
How to build high performance PF and Websites with FreeBSD in the Cloud
Track : Hacking
IP Forwarding Fastpath
MP-safe Networking in NetBSD: Current Status and Future Direction
Not simply pieces of string
Ethernet in the 21st Century
The FreeBSD Toolchain
The OpenBSD virtual machine daemon
The design and implementation of vmd(8)