BSDCan 2025

About Ottawa

Ottawa is a great city for tourists and residents alike. There are many things to do and see. The conference is being held in June (late Spring). The snow is gone, and temperatures are in the low to high teens (e.g. 55 to 66 F). The Canadian Tulip Festival will have recently finished, and there will still be lots of tulips around Ottawa.

Where is Ottawa?

Ottawa on a map

Ottawa’s Approximate Distance to Major Cities

Location kilometers miles
USA Border (NY State) 60 38
Montreal 200 125
Toronto 400 250
Quebec City 460 290
Niagara Falls 540 340
Boston 650 405
Philadelphia 720 450
New York 790 490
Washington DC 960 600

Tourism Information

Ottawa is a city for tourists. The following resources will help you to plan your stay in Ottawa.